Who Has Your Back When Making A Move?

You need a support system when contemplating making a move. Who will be there from ideation to interview process to offer letter and beyond?

Let’s continue with the theme of the last couple of weeks: the silver tsunami and time is on your side.  It’s the age of aging professionals and the delays for numerous reasons in the actual interview process and hiring process.  I want to explore further what yet more importantly who it takes to get approved for you to actually get a bonafide offer.

The Who 

And No, We Aren’t Talking About The Band…

Starting off with who should be on your team: the candidate looking for a position. The most important person, and you may not think of this, is your “other self.” Not the self that’s reading this blog, but that other self that is the questioning one or the doubting one. You know the one I mean.  It has various names such as the ego, or in some cases the super-ego. It’s the one that talks to you when a recruiter like myself wants to set up an interview, and the voice says either yes or no. Don’t get me wrong, I am a great believer in this voice when it comes to final decision time; however, for initial conversations or movement (especially in the interview process), this voice’s main goal is to protect you. The question here is, “Protect you from what?” 

Side-By-Side: Who Walks With You In Life?

The second person in this village should be a significant other. Everyone should have a person they are so close to who should be involved from the inception. This does not have to be a spouse or a partner. This could be a parent, a sibling, or even a mentor. Everyone should have one person that they confide to and with about the interview process and initial steps you’re contemplating. Here’s the thing: make sure they have your best interest at heart, and not just acting as a protector of you. If they can be open-minded and understand your reason for interviewing, or at least contemplating to take an interview, then they are on your side. If they are dogmatic no matter what happens and they cannot see you making a move, then they may not be the right team member.

Recruiter Or Hiring Manager

From contemplation to conversations, from the interview process to the first day at the new firm, the last person must be a recruiter (if you have opted to use one). If you are not utilizing a recruiter, then this person would be the actual hiring manager that you are in contact with. Keep in mind that they do work for the firm that you are interviewing with, but you must believe they have your best interest as well. They would not be setting up interviews with other members of their firm if this was not so. If a recruiter is involved, you must begin to trust the recruiter that reached out to you. You must believe that your greatest interest is theirs, not the potential fee that can be generated. You must see them as a dedicated trusted advisor to you. If you see them this way, then you should really listen to their thoughts and insights. Let me share that this trust and feeling of confidence does not happen with one phone can but rather is developed over the course of the relationship. If they immediately resonate with you for some reason, then go with your instinct and take their suggested next step. If you are hesitant, go slower in the process. The key is to begin the process and start to evaluate not only the opportunity but the actual recruiter as well. At the end of the day, you want complete trust with your team, as it does take a village to get hired today. Lastly, remember that the hiring team also has their own village that has to weigh in on all decisions.


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About Harlan Friedman, JD & Founding Member, H. Friedman Search LLC. Harlan is a thirty-year veteran Public Finance Banker turned recruiter who specializes in the placement of all levels Public Finance Bankers, Healthcare Bankers, Municipal Advisors, Compliance Officers, Issuers, and Bond Counsels.