The Benefits Of Using A Recruiter: Part 1

What happens when you have an established relationship with a recruiter? A stronger, longer-lasting, more fulfilling career. Find out more here.

In the next two weeks, we are going to be a little bit self-serving, which I tend not to be.  Today we will discuss the benefits a candidate receives by engaging the service of a recruiter.  Next week we will look at why a company would also engage a recruiter to assist them in their searches for great talent.  Let me start off and say that this week there has been a plethora of interest in moving to new companies for various reasons.  This is the main reason you want to have an established relationship with a recruiter since you never know when something changes that require an instantaneous response.

The Inside Scoop When Having An Established Relationship With A Recruiter: The “Just In Case” Factor

Piggybacking off the above sentiment; when you need one, you should already have had an established relationship with a recruiter so that both you and the recruiter can interact quickly and expeditiously to help you find your next home.  Some of the benefits that a recruiter can offer you revolve around inside information.  Not like trading information, which is clearly illegal, but information about what a firm is trying to do in the marketplace, which the general public may not be aware of.  If a recruiter has a strong relationship with a client, they are more of a trusted advisor and the client will share what their growth plans look like in great detail.  The recruiter will know what areas and sectors as well as locations a firm would want to expand into.  They also will know who a cultural fit would be and not be based on the needs of their clients as well as other candidates he or she may have placed with the firm.

Hiring Prospects In The Field

The next benefit would be general knowledge about the hiring prospects across the industry. When you have an already established relationship with a recruiter, they can provide you with industry insight. A good recruiter should be able to share what the general sense of the market is. Who is hiring, who is consolidating, and who is thinking about leaving the industry?  The recruiter should understand most compensation packages being offered in the marketplace in order to best tailor one to your needs.  By a recruiter knowing the compensation, you can determine if you are currently being compensated for the results you have been originating.  A good recruiter also should be able to speak honestly with you. They should let you know if your compensation expectations are realistic and if the chance of your being hired is strong or weak.

Your Established Relationship With A Recruiter Will Help When Working Alongside You Every Step Of The Way

Most people think that a recruiter just presents a candidate with a resume, sits back, and waits for things to happen as it relates to getting a candidate hired.  Nothing can be further from the truth for a good recruiter.  What we get paid for more than anything else is to expertly manage the entire hiring process.  If you have an established relationship with a recruiter who is not sharing that with you, then you should look for another recruiter that strictly has your interest at heart, especially in a time-crunch scenario.  What does managing the process entail?  It is literally overseeing the process from the first initial conversation with the client to the day you are officially onboarded.  There are many steps that have to fall in line so that a candidate can get hired in the period they need.  Interviews were scheduled, background checks were initiated, offers negotiated, and finally the on-boarding process itself.  Each one of these steps has sub-steps that have to be handled professionally in order that a candidate and a client can come to the same terms at the same time.  Without this, a candidate will not be hired.


If you would like to discuss your options, please reach out for a confidential conversation at 760-477-1284 or email at [email protected]. He can also be reached on LinkedIn. Subscribe to our monthly newsletter here, which is a compilation of our weekly blogs, so you never miss one. You can find our listing in the “supplier and services” section of the Red Book under the title of “executive recruiting.”

About Harlan Friedman, JD & Founding Member, H. Friedman Search LLC. Harlan is a thirty-year veteran Public Finance Banker turned recruiter who specializes in the placement of all levels Public Finance Bankers, Healthcare Bankers, Municipal Advisors, Compliance Officers, Issuers, and Bond Counsels.