Public Finance Blog

To Zoom Or Not To Zoom? That Is The Question

As we move from the post-COVID era to a time of more normalcy, I have to ask myself the question: are we over Zooming when it comes to the hiring process?  When there was no safe way to hire people in this new world of remote workers, Zoom was the only way to keep the process moving forward. But is it now?

Initial Meeting: Quick & Cost

I must share my personal thoughts on the world of Zoom meetings.  There is definitely a need for Zoom meetings in the initial stages of the hiring process.  Zoom has provided candidates and clients the ability to determine quickly if the future proposed business relationship can work.  The initial Zoom call allows both parties to rapidly, efficiently, and more importantly expensively make this determination.  There is no need for that costly lunch in person only accomplished by flying out a candidate, usually putting him or her overnight, arranging expensive transportation to and from headquarters, etc.  All of those inefficiencies are removed.

2nd Interviews & Beyond: The Depth Of A Person

As for second and even third interviews, the same holds true in the hiring process. The only difference now is that after deliberating if it makes sense for a candidate to move forward in the process, you can easily have a panel of interviewers on the Zoom call to determine the next level of desire.  However, at this stage, you are only seeing a small percentage of who that candidate is and how he or she responds in a Zoom environment.  In my opinion, not meeting the candidates face-to-face can and does cause mis-hires.  Spending the day with a prospective candidate will yield so much more information than a Zoom call.  Personalities will come through, how the candidate interacts with potential subordinates can be evaluated, and so much more with an in-person interview.  And yet there are firms today in this tech-savvy world that are making final hiring decisions without the face-to-face interview.

The Reality Of Workplace Culture

Now let’s look at this hiring process from the candidate’s perspective.  You’ve made them the offer, and they have accepted. Off to the office they go for their first time on-boarding experience and… it’s not at all what they expected.  The vision that was sold to them without the face-to-face exposure is completely different.  Just one last thought – not necessarily based on a Zoom meeting or not.  Another scenario is they have been brought in prior to being hired but they have only met with senior personnel.  Now they get to meet their co-workers and they are not all what they expected.  It’s a scenario not too unlikely to happen.  It’s extremely important, whether on Zoom or not on Zoom, that co-workers are introduced to a candidate before an offer is extended and accepted.  There is definitely a place for Zoom calls to take advantage of the efficiencies offered but not at the end-game of the hiring process.  


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About Harlan Friedman, JD & Founding Member, H. Friedman Search LLC. Harlan is a thirty-year veteran Public Finance Banker turned recruiter who specializes in the placement of all levels Public Finance Bankers, Healthcare Bankers, Municipal Advisors, Compliance Officers, Issuers, and Bond Counsels.