What Consistent Appreciation Can Do

What consistent appreciation can do for your firm.

Today’s blog is an open letter to practice leaders and hiring managers. If this was done right, there would be no need for recruiters, retention would be close to 100% for your desired employees, and I would be out of a job. However, the fact is that this is never going to happen unless we develop complete awareness. What’s this thing that I’m referring to? Appreciation!

Imagine This…

Let me set the stage: you have worked for the same firm for ten-plus years, a recruiter reaches out to you and they share with you the idea of leaving your current situation. You go through the long and drawn-out process – everything looks great, you walk in and resign. Now to the surprise you never saw coming. You thought it would be a walk in the park, walk in, say your goodbyes and that’s it. Nope, that’s not what happens. You’re stunned when your leader says, “What can we do to keep you?” You never saw that coming. You never expected that they would even care that you would resign, let alone show appreciation – but they do!

The Questions That Riddle Your Mind

You’re shocked, almost taken back, and then you ponder the following question: Why has it taken an act like resigning for them to show their appreciation to me? Why have they not been doing this every year as I continue to bring in more and more clients, which turns into revenue? Why now when I have a foot out the door? Don’t get me wrong, you’re still leaving. However, it shouldn’t take an act of this kind for them to finally show you appreciation. It should not have gotten this far where you have to leave to find out that you were a truly valued member of the team.

Consistent Appreciation Can Go A Long Way

This is a great situation where a recruiter can help significantly. How?  As a recruiter, I can help my candidate take advantage of the lack of love candidates are feeling, yet as an empathetic person this does deeply bother me. I want people to entertain moves for numerous reasons, but the one I don’t like is when someone tells me they are not appreciated. That strikes me at the core. Suddenly, when they resign they feel the love and appreciation because of the separation anxiety the hiring manager feels. The senior management now realizes there is a void that has to be filled. Please, if you really value the people that you work with, show it to them consistently and not just on the day they resign.


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About Harlan Friedman, JD & Founding Member, H. Friedman Search LLC. Harlan is a thirty-year veteran Public Finance Banker turned recruiter who specializes in the placement of all levels Public Finance Bankers, Healthcare Bankers, Municipal Advisors, Compliance Officers, Issuers, and Bond Counsels. 

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