Public Finance Blog

25 Benefits Of Working With A Recruiter

Today’s blog is going to be a little bit more self-serving than most. I am going to really delve into why everyone, no matter what your position or your company, you should be working with a recruiter. This does not matter if you are a candidate looking for a new position, or if you are a company looking to hire. The benefits of working with the recruiter clearly outnumber the benefits from trying to do this on your own. In a simple phrase, the answer is client or candidate management. Otherwise, a recruiter should become your trusted advisor.

The Role Of A Recruiter

When most people think about the role of a recruiter, they think about a person that will get somebody a job. That is not what working with a recruiter really does. A job board site can do that, an internal recruiter can do that, or you can do that on your own. So, why use a recruiter? 

Why Should You Be Working With A Recruiter? 

As it is the week of Thanksgiving, most people are with their families hopefully staying safe and healthy. Therefore, I’m going to avoid my typical format of writing four or five paragraphs. Instead, here is a list of reasons why everybody should be working with a recruiter. I am going to enumerate numerous reasons (in a checklist format) on why you should consider using a recruiter in your job search or in your search for a new employee. The list may be self-explanatory, and I hope it is.  If you are fortunate enough to find a recruiter that specializes in your field that you trust, then you should be utilizing all of their services – not just some of their services that they may provide.

Services And Benefits From Working With A Recruiter In Your Field

1.   They are there to provide you valuable information in your job search to prevent you from going down the wrong path.

2.   They are there to provide you a new set of eyes on your resume and any other documents you are asked to provide.

3.   They are there to present you with new opportunities that you may not have been aware of previously.

4.   They are there to present you in the best light to a new firm.

5.   They are there to better prepare you for your upcoming interviews.

6.   They are there to provide guidance as you go through the process of interviewing.

7.   They are there to manage the negotiation process for you.

8.   They are there to keep you emotionally in check as you go through the process.

9.   They are there to be a liaison between you and the company.

10.  They are there to keep your candidacy completely confidential.

11.  They are there to help clear up any misconceptions between company and candidate.

12.  They are there to provide market intelligence.

13.  They are there to become your trusted advisor.

14.  They are there to filter out information that you may be hearing in the marketplace.

15.  They are there to help you determine what your salary requirement should be.

16.  They are there to negotiate the best financial package for a win/win result.

17.  They are there to be honest with you about the likelihood of you successfully making a move.

18.  They are there to keep you grounded in the day-to-day process of looking for a new position.

19.  They are there to help you after you are hired with your on-boarding process.

20.  They are there to keep your new firm abreast of your current situation.

21.  They are there to answer all of your questions (of which there are many).

22.  They are there to debrief you after each interview and keep the process either moving or kill it.

23.  They are there to protect you from prying eyes.

24.  They are there to help you make the right decisions at each step of the process.

25.  And finally, they are there as your friend.

From one friend to the next, I wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving!


If you would like to discuss your options, please reach out to me for a confidential conversation at 760-477-1284 or email me at [email protected]. He can also be reached on LinkedIn

About Harlan Friedman, JD & Founding Member, H. Friedman Search LLC. Harlan is a thirty-year veteran Public Finance Banker turned recruiter who specializes in the placement of all level Public Finance Bankers, Health Care Bankers, Municipal Financial Advisors, Compliance Officers, Issuers, and Bond Counsels.